Qualifications & Certifications
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Accredited by the Better Business Bureau
Fear Free Certified Professional
Fun Fact:
(We are the only pet sitter/dog walker that’s certified in Sarasota, FL! )
Certified by American Red Cross:
Dog & Cat First Aid & CPR
Pet Sitters Associates Insurance & Bonding
Why is being “licensed, certified & bonded “ important?
Being “licensed” gives a company credibility, helps with tax collection, and assures that the activities adhere to set standards, protecting consumers and clients.
Better Business Accreditation : To be accredited by BBB, Ohh My Dog! affirms that we meet specific standards of a business and will abide by:
Building Trust in the community
Advertise Honestly & Ethically
Tell the Truth with clear representation
Transparent in nature and financially responsible such as how transactions occur, refunds, tax and provide receipts when possible.
Honor Promises
Be Responsive & Professional
Safeguard Privacy & Properly
Embody Integrity
Fear Free Certified: This certification aims to prevent and alleviate fear, anxiety, and stress in pets by inspiring and educating the people who care for them— Pet professionals play a critical role in creating a happier, healthier, Fear Free life for pets. Because pet sitters are within your pet’s intimate home life we can readily identify opportunities for improvement and are able to spot emerging behavior concerns, enrichment opportunities, and other areas that might otherwise go unnoticed.
Pet First Aid & CPR Certified: It may seem simple, but it’s a very important skill to be well educated in and know how and when to execute safely. Please know you and your pets plan in case of emergencies.
Pet Sitters Associates Insurance & Bonding: You (the client) and Ohh My Dog! are financially covered if anything happens to your pet while in our care such as an sudden illness, dog attack, lost keys , broken or stolen personal items & etc.
Food for thought:
Who do you trust with your precious fur- baby?